It’s abseil time 😬
So after a disappointing false start the revised date for abseil is upon us. We will be leaving soon to head to Stratford. My poor husband 🤵, dragging him along to London on his day off is not where he would like to be on a nice hot sunny day.
However with the cause in mind he knew he was going to be my partner in crime for a least one fundraising challenge. Twenty five years on from our wedding year it feels good to be celebrating the fact that we are still both here and have three grown up boys to share our lives with.
Regarding the Orbit I truly can’t imagine how high is going to be looking down from the top. It’s been six years since I’ve been up on the Orbit platform. I didn’t think in a million years I would be abseiling down the side of the frame in my life time.
Oh well, here goes! Update to follow tonight.
Thank you from us both for donations given for this event, it is much appreciated!