A head for heights!
For me this challenge is one big journey and i intend to see it through to the end. If this means going over the 50 months - so be it. Raising the target amount and highlighting the charity is all that matters. Oh and having some fun along the way 💪☺️
So without further explanations to my big gap since month 20 I’m just going to get on with it.
I would like to say to all my family and friends near and far for all the support you are giving me. It means everything to me and without your help none of this is possible. ❤️
I have to start with a very belated action photo and another big thank you again for all the donations received even after our abseil which took place back in September.
Two of the marsden Charity team members kindly took some photos of the day. so without further a do I would like to give you all a giggle and share them with you. I know none of my friends and family will be fooled by my facial expression, which to the untrained eye may look like smile . This was purely put on for Daisy who was trying to take a picture on our behalf so we had proof of our descent. As for the less than elegant stance there is nothing I could do to cover that up. Unlike my very cool calm and collected husband who took it all in his stride, I was truly scared out of my wits.
The picture was taken whilst I was slowly trying to peel my feet one by one off the side rail, whilst trusting the rope which was attached to the building. This had to be done in order to start the abseil down. Everyone was full of encouragement but when you are in panic mode all of this goes in one ear and out the other. Much to the relief of everyone after a little while I managed to slide my feet off the pole, which left me dangling off the side of the orbit next to my very brave man ❤️.
The desent began - it must have been so painful for all to watch. I let my hands go down the rope slowlyit probably made my ordeal harder. David kept telling me to let the rope slide through my hand so I could get down a little faster!
No chance !!! i just continued the desent my way. This was done by moving one hand away from the rope my a mili second and placing it very tightly underneath the other one which was squeezing the rope as tight my knuckles where as white as white. This of course restricted the smoothness of my desent but that was how it was going to be and the only way I could get my self down. . Don't get me wrong, there was a minute where I really did enjoy it - but that was quickly overridden by fear when I took the silly decision to look down... 😳
At the same time knowing I was raising money and not wanting the shame of turning around and going back down the lift I’m glad I did it. I recommend it actually !!!
It was a fantastic day out and everyone was so lovely. It was very emotional listening to one of the other fundraisers and the reason that they where taking part. It really brought it all home as to how lucky we are to have the opportunity to do these things.
I dedidcate this post to the young lady who made them take part in this fundraiser.
I hope her time with her family and friends them is longer than recently predicted. . ❤️